Company news

May 25, 2022

Website update: Klasha 2.0 in Pink

Dedicated to frictionless cross-border commerce in Africa, Klasha Inc has achieved inconceivable feats since its inception one year ago, with over 50,000 customer base and partnerships with Weebly, Squarespace, and Ecwid, to mention a few. 

Ready to offer more technology solutions and expand horizons into other African countries like South Africa, Kenya, and Tanzania, Klasha has released a new version, Klasha 2.0 in PINK: a new look and improved user experience. 

With this version, Klasha 2.0 has updated its solutions, launched new features for app users, and, most significantly, announced a new brand colour – which is warm, bright, and hardly seen in this ecosystem: PINK.

Why did Klasha choose pink?

Months ago, during one of the brainstorming sessions at Klasha, Jessica Anuna, our CEO, and the engineering team birthed PINK Money, the instant money feature on KlashaCart (formerly known as the Klasha app) where you can send and receive money quickly, without extra charges. Despite being conflicted about the name since pink is seen predominantly as a feminine colour, the name stuck, and Klasha users loved it. Pink used to be a secondary Klasha colour that had drawn attention to the company, especially in the male-dominated ecosystem that Klasha is in. 

Now, things are different for the better. Klasha is wholeheartedly pink with the same mission of enabling consumers in Africa to have frictionless access to the goods they want regardless of their geographic location. 

Also, pink is a fantastic colour!

What does Klasha 2.0 offer?

In line with Klasha’s mission, Klasha 2.0 has offerings to make online transactions on the KlashaCart more seamless and hassle-free. 

 The latest features of the KlashaCart, courtesy of Klasha 2.0 in Pink, include: 

  • New interface design: Despite the popularity of the app’s friendly interface among reviewers, we have revamped the interface design so users can have an improved experience with the app. With the redesigned view and easy-on-the-eye fonts and colours, users can quickly move through the different aspects of the app and have a seamless experience. 

  • KlashaCart: Available as an in-app shopping cart feature, KlashaCart allows users to shop from various online stores simultaneously. With a funded Klasha wallet or Klasha virtual dollar card, users can visit international brands such as Zara, Amazon, and many more in one click, to shop and pay with this one-cart-fits-all.  

  • Status page: This feature helps users track the uptime and downtime status of Klasha services and channels. With the status page, users can check the status of a Klasha service before use to know if it is available or under maintenance. 

  • Transaction status: App users can now monitor the status of all transactions without reaching out to Klasha Support. This self-service feature informs a user if a transaction is successful, pending, or failed in-app.

    The new and updated technology offerings with Klasha 2.0 focus on improving B2B and B2C experience and overall seamless cross-border commerce in Africa. 

Take a tour of to get the complete look and feel of all the latest updates of Klasha 2.0 in Pink. 

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